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Humans of IDP #62: Natoshia & Rachel

Meet Natoshia and Rachel, NBA 6870 co-facilitators and this week’s #HumansofIDP! Here’s what these two have to say about IDP and one another:


Sitting through facilitator training and participating in IDP has allowed me to learn more about myself and guide MBA students in learning more about themselves and others. I’ve always been great at debating, so gaining a better understanding of the differences between discussion, debate, and dialogue was eye-opening. Dialogue is such an invaluable tool. I’ve really enjoyed bringing the gift of dialogue into my daily interactions and sharing this with our students in the course for MBA students, Leading Across Differences, that Rachel and I co-facilitate. Before meeting Rachel, I remember being nervous and self-conscious about being paired with someone who had a Ph.D. and was an expert in the dialogue space. I assumed she would be smart, structured, serious, and organized. And yes, while she is all of these things, she is also very kind, empathetic, and hilarious! She is probably the best listener I have ever met in my life. I say this because she has this innate ability to listen to you, hear what you’re saying, and repeat it back to you more eloquently than you said it. I always feel listened to by Rachel, and I know our students feel and experience the same. I am beyond grateful to partner with someone who I deeply admire and respect. She is one of my biggest cheerleaders and has become one of my dearest friends. I hope that I’ve added as much value and friendship to her life that she has to mine.


Co-facilitating IDP’s course for MBA students has been such a fun challenge for me. It’s required me to imagine how key features of critical dialogue – things like listening without judgment, acknowledging the role of social identities in shaping individuals’ lived experience, and collaborating to create more equitable and just environments – could be applied in a business context. I thoroughly enjoy learning from the perspectives, feelings, and insights shared by the students in this course! And I learn an immense amount from my co-facilitator; with her deep knowledge, sense of humor, and incredible empathy, Natoshia creates a classroom environment where students can take risks, channel their own curiosity, and form meaningful connections (even online!). She pushes herself to build on what she already knows about power, marginalization, and dialogue, and it’s a real joy to co-facilitate with someone who is truly committed to learning, exploring, and teaching (and doing so in a collaborative way). I am truly grateful to do this work with her. Not only do I get to work with Natoshia and be awed by her – one of the smartest, funniest, most thoughtful people I know – but I am fortunate enough to be friends with her! Whether we’re sharing wine, The Lion King, or tidbits from the astrology app we both use, I always feel seen and heard and valued by Natoshia (my fellow Pisces).